


Functions to compute the edit distance between two strings Taken from the Visual F# compiler

Nested types and modules


Functions and values

Function or valueSignatureDescription
#JaroWinklerDistance s1 s2s1:string -> s2:string -> float<MeasureOne>

Calculates the Jaro-Winkler edit distance between two strings. The edit distance is a metric that allows to measure the amount of similarity between two strings.

#editdistance s1 s2s1:string -> s2:string -> result
#existsInWin mChar str offset radmChar:char -> str:string -> offset:^?20692 -> rad:^?20693 -> bool

Given an offset and a radius from that offset, does mChar exist in that part of str?

#jaro s1 s2s1:string -> s2:string -> float<MeasureOne>

The jaro distance between s1 and s2

#remove char lstchar:'a -> lst:'a list -> 'a list